Thursday, June 9, 2011

Tomorrow, Tomorrow, Tomorrow

Well it's official, tomorrow is the big day!  We're going to Columbia for the weekend.  I've heard so many great things so I hope it is fun!  I cannot wait to sleep in the big bed, go to the river, meet new friends, and reeellllaaaxxx.  I will miss my boyfriend, but he can deal for a few days.  I love car ridesssssssss!  I'll be updating later with all the adventures!

Stay Fabulous!

The Ever Classy M.M.Cakes

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

So it begins....dun dun dun

While I was merrily strolling around the pond this past weekend, it hit me....I should start a blog.  So I used my ninja skills to steal a few moments on the computer while no one was looking, and here I am.

Today I was SOOOOO excited because it was pizza day!  I could smell the cheese and pepperonis dancing in perfect harmony together as my BFF was bringing it to the door.  Not only was I SOOO glad to see her, but the pizza was just about all I could stand.  But then I waited......and waited......and danced......and wagged my tail.....and looked as pretty as possible....and waited...........and I didn't get ANY pizza.  :(  What a sad pizza day..... so as usual I pouted around a little while.  But the day turned around when I got to see my boyfriend.  His name is Buddy, and he is a pitbull.  Don't let his breed scare you though, I can whip his butt any day, and he knows who is boss. After playing for a while it was time for him to go back home so then I watched a little of Step Up 3, it's one of my favorites.  I try to learn new dances moves to try out so people will give me their food. Will Dance For Food!!  That's all for today, got to go get under a table and sleep.  Big weekend away coming up, and I am getting excited.

Stay fabulous!
